September 30, 2011
Press Release No. 1
News about Koutons Retail India Limited
The media had reports that Koutons Retail India
Limited has approved the debt restructuring plan.
The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or
otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market
place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the
Koutons Retail India Limited has vide its letter
inter-alia stated, �The Company proposal for Debt Restructuring was fixed for
final approval in the CDR meeting held on September 29, 2011. After due
deliberations, the final proposal submitted by the company was approved by the
bankers under the CDR mechanism late last evening. The Company confirms the
approval of CDR package of the Company by the bankers led by Indian Overseas
Bank, the Monitoring Institution. The CDR package envisages converting part of
the working capital facilities into WCTL, to fund the interest due for 2 years
by way of a Funded Interest Term Loan and option to bankers to convert part of
their debt into equity. A further reprieve for the company has been in the form
of reduction in interest rate on all loans. The final minutes and LOA is
expected shortly from the CDR Cell."