

April 29, 2014


Press Release No. 1

News about Wockhardt Limited and Pfizer Limited


The media had reports that "Wockhardtputs its India assets on the block" and "Pfizer in talks to buy Wockhardt's India assets."


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the companies.


Wockhardt Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated,"We deny the media reports and would like to inform that the Company has been informing the exchange about events, information etc. including price sensitive information in accordance with regulatory requirements. Presently we do not believe that there is any information/announcement of the nature sought by you. In the event that there is any development that requires disclosure, we will make the same immediately in accordance with regulatory requirements."


Pfizer Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated,"The news item is speculative in nature and was not authorized by, or attributable to any statements made by or on behalf of, Pfizer Limited. We confirm that our Company, Pfizer Limited does not have any such proposal as contemplated in the news article referred in your captioned letter."



Press Release No. 2

Clarification by Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited


Substantial increase in trading volumes have been observed in Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited.


The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated,"There have been certain press releases released by NTT Docomo & Tata Sons Limited. We note that the press release from NTT Docomo Inc. does not explicitly talk about Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited ("TTML"). We do not believe that the events mentioned above are likely to have material impact on TTML's operation at this time."



Press Release No. 3

News about National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited


The media had reports that "NBCC WINS 10,000 CR Project."


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated,"NBCC entered into an MOU on 22.08.2013 with CPWD for joint development of their land measuring 240 acres in Ghittorni (South Delhi). Broadly the MOU provides for (a) appointment if NBCC as PMC on 10% fee on the project cost of building meant for sale. (b) marketing fee cost @ 2% of sale proceeds. (c) Initially investment of Rs 200 crore @ 15% Actual fee & compensation of the Company would be determined upon receipt of final approval from Cabinate / GOI. The Project will actually take off when the approval of Cabinate / GOI and other local statutory authority is received."



Press Release No. 4

News about Redington (India) Limited


The media had reports that "Itochu may buy Redington for Rs 3K Cr."


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Redington (India) Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "We wish to inform you that: 1. The Company is not issuing any shares to, not a party to any such transaction given in the aforesaid news article and cannot comment on any market speculation or actions of individual shareholder.


2. There is no information available with us presently that merits disclosure under Clause 36 of the Listing Agreement."



Press Release No. 5

News about Delta Corp Limited


The media had reports that "IT department raids offices of Delta Corp Limited".


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Reply is awaited from Delta Corp Limited.



Press Release No. 6

News about Peninsula Land Limited


The media had reports that "IT department raids offices of "Peninsula Land Limited".


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Reply is awaited from Peninsula Land Limited.