December 28, 2011
Press Release No. 1
Rated �CCR AAA� for fourth consecutive year
For fourth
consecutive year CRISIL has assigned its highest corporate credit rating of
�CCR AAA� to the National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd (NSCCL). 'CCR AAA'
rating indicates highest degree of strength with regard to honouring debt
obligations. As per CRISIL the rating reflects NSCCL�s status as Clearing
Corporation for NSE. The rating also factors in NSCCL�s rigorous risk
management controls and adequate settlement guarantee cover.
further stated that NSCCL�s risk management system is comprehensive, and is
regularly upgraded to pre-empt market failures. The company addresses risks in
clearing and settlement with its stringent norms for selection of members,
robust margining system, and risk-based position limits and surveillance
Press Release No. 2
NSE completes its 2957th
Normal Settlement
The Exchange has successfully completed its 2957th
Normal Settlement (Rolling T+2 following SEBI
directive) since inception i.e., Settlement Number N � 2011243 on Dec 28, 2011.
The settlement statistics are as follows:���
Particulars |
N-2011243 |
Total traded quantity (lakhs) |
3540.05 |
Total traded value (Rs. In Crores) |
5134.96 |
Total value of the settlement (Securities) (Rs. In Crores) |
1198.74 |
Total value of the settlement (Funds) (Rs. In Crores) |
455.43 |
Shortages for the settlement |
0.21% |
% of� Delivery ( No. of shares
deliverable / No. of shares traded ) |
24.54% |
Retail Debt
Market has completed its 2230th settlement, details of which are as
No. |
Value |
Value |
Securities |
Funds |
D- 2011243 |