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July 28, 2014


Press Release No. 1

News about IDBI Bank Limited & United Bank of India


The media had reports that "Top Banking Sources confirm IDBI has been asked to merge United Bank into itself."


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the companies.


IDBI Bank Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated," We confirm that so far no proposal for merger of United Bank of India with IDBI Bank has been discussed at IDBI Bank's Board Meeting and also no communication from Govt. of India in respect of the above has been received by the Bank. As soon as any communication from the Govt. of India is received by IDBI Bank or any such proposal is discussed at IDBI Bank's Board Meeting, necessary disclosure under clause 36 of the Listing Agreement shall be made by the Bank."


United Bank of India has vide its letter inter-alia stated;" No negotiations are taking place for the merger of the Bank with any other Bank."



Press Release No. 2

Listing of Equity Shares of Gulf Oil Lubricants India Limited pursuant to Scheme of Arrangement


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. July 31, 2014.


Sr. No.



Name of the Company





Gulf Oil Lubricants India Limited



*Currently the securities shall be available for trading in Series 'BE' and subsequently be shifted to Series 'EQ' as per SEBI circular no. SEBI/Cir/ISD/1/2010 dated September 2, 2010

