���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������� May 28, 2015
Press Release No. 1
After school levels, NSE
enters the world of MBAs in Gujarat
Keeping in mind that India�s first International
Finance Centre may require a huge skilled manpower, India�s leading stock
exchange � NSE � has signed an MOU with Ganpat University,
Gujarat for offering degree level programs. Initially programs will be offered
for the graduate and the master degree levels. NSE and the Ganpat
University have plans to start other programs like PGDM, Skill Development
Programs, Certificate in Financial Literacy etc,
among other programs. Earlier this month, NSE signed a similar MOU with Navrachna University for NSE certified capital markets
professional course.
Significantly, NSE has entered into an agreement with
the Gujarat government for school level basic financial education program as
The first batch is expected to start in the current
financial year (2015 � 16) itself. Both the BBA (Capital Markets) and the MBA
(Capital Markets) will be of 2 years duration. The agreement was signed this
week between the two institutes in the university campus. �Professional
education is the key to guiding the country�s growth. In a state like Gujarat,
which is going to have an international IFC, demand for professionals will
remain. Such initiatives always help to ensure financial literacy�, said Ms Chitra Ramkrishna, MD & CEO, NSE.
It may be mentioned that NSE has signed an MOU with
the GIFT authorities a few months back to set up an International exchange in
the SEZ area of the IFC. As per initial estimates, GIFT IFC may engage few
thousand people once operational.
As per the agreement with the university,
NSE will provide program material including academics, conduct faculty
training, hands on training sessions, and assist in conducting exams etc. while
the degree will be issued by the Ganpat University.