June 26, 2014
Press Release No. 1
Clarification by Wheels India Limited
Substantial increase in
trading volumes has been observed in Wheels India Limited.
The Exchange, in order to
ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to
inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded,
had written to the company.
Wheels India Limited has
vide its letter inter-alia stated, �There are no major Developments/ Price
sensitive Information, which have arisen in the recent past. We also confirm
that there is no unpublished Price Sensitive Information, which has not been
disseminated to the Exchange."
Press Release No. 2
News about GVK Power & Infrastructure Limited
The media had reports that
GVK Power & Infrastructure Limited. "Company in talks with 4-5
investors to sell stake in airport biz, hancock mining biz in few months.�
The Exchange, in order to
verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and
to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is
safeguarded, had written to the company.
GVK Power &
Infrastructure Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, �We wish to
inform you that the company is exploring various options for reducing some of
its debt. An option that is being looked at is, raising equity at the Airport
Holding Company, to retire the debt raised for the airport acquisition. The
company is in discussion with a few investors in this matter. The company is
also exploring a possibility to bring in an equity investor(s) into Hancock
Infrastructure Pvt Limited, which is a holding company, for the Rail and Port
Projects in Australia. Since the discussions are at a preliminary stage, it
would not be appropriate for the company to divulge any details at this stage.
No sooner the deal crystallizes; we would be in a position to inform the
regulatory authorities on the same."