February 26, 2014
Press Release No. 1
NSE launches Futures Contracts on India
VIX called NVIX
MUMBAI, February 26:
India�s leading stock exchange, the National Stock Exchange (NSE) today
launched futures contracts on India VIX* called NVIX. This is the first time
that a product has been launched in India, on a volatility index, through which
investors can hedge the volatility risk. NSE has been disseminating the India
VIX index since 2009.
was launched this morning in the presence of trading members and NSE�s MD and
CEO, Ms Chitra Ramkrishna.
NVIX witnessed trading volumes of 325 crores and 227 members participated in
trading in NVIX.�
and CEO of the National Stock exchange , Ms Chitra Ramkrishna said "We
have always benchmarked ourselves with global markets when we
look at how we perform, and clearly the launch of NVIX will put us right up
there with the global best. I am sure in our unique way, NSE in its unique way,
will be able to capture the imagination of the global best."
Chitra added "We have a very liquid options market, and that really gave
us the stepping stone to create a product of this stature. Three years of
dissemination of the product (India VIX) and tracking of the product by one and
all has given the comfort to all of you and of course to the regulator to
approve this product. NSE is committed to creating awareness on the product
among institutions, clients and members."
NSE has been conducting a number of
sessions with investors and trading members, to increase awareness on NVIX and
its advantages for market participants. Webinars with prominent experts
in Indian and global markets have also been conducted. NSE has launched a microsite, on its website, which provides
all information on the product along with useful tools for calculation of
theoretical price and analysis.
has also offered a rebate on transaction charges for
members, to encourage participation in the product. This will be applicable
till 31st March, 2014.
NVIX futures will help market
participants to hedge volatility risk, balance portfolios and express views on
expected volatility. NVIX
future s is traded in the F&O segment of NSE. All market participants
currently permitted in the F&O segment are permitted to participate. The NVIX
futures are based on underlying India VIX index. There will be 3 weekly futures contracts expiring on every
Tuesday of the week. The lot size of NVIX contracts is 750 and tick size is Rs.
0.25. The India VIX index is calculated upto 4 decimals with a tick of 0.0025.
volatility index has been introduced in several developed and emerging markets.� The
first volatility index and volatility index derivatives were introduced by
CBOE. The progressive step taken by the regulators will help in deepening the
equity derivatives market further and provide an asset class which is currently
missing in the Indian capital markets.
is a trademark of Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated (�CBOE�) and
Standard & Poor�s has granted a license to NSE, with permission from CBOE,
to use such mark in the name of the India VIX and for purposes relating to the
India VIX.
Press Release No. 2
about Polaris Financial Technology Limited
The media had reports that
�US based Fiserv in talks to acquire Polaris".
The Exchange, in order to
verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and
to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is
safeguarded, had written to the company.
Polaris Financial
Technology Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, �During our 3rd
Quarter results in January 2013, the Board of Directors authorized the
Management Team to explore options that would provide an impetus to the company
for the next stage of its growth. The context was around leveraging untapped
potential in our growth engines i.e. Services, Products and the canvas of
opportunities that are available to us as a leading Specialist in the global
Financial Technology arena. In lie with the stringent Governance principles the
company follows, stakeholders have been updated on progress. As announced, the
major legs of the restructuring process have been completed last quarter in Q3
2014.With its singular focus on Banking & Financial Technology for over 2
decades, Polaris has built very robust and comprehensive assets to spearhead
transformational projects for the BFSI vertical. The restructuring exercise has
been misconstrued by a certain section of stakeholders with repeated mention of
possible sale. Despite the company clarifications, these rumours continue to
surface, impacting customer relationships, distracting Management and
employees. Polaris is not for sale. The company is poised to leverage its rich
assets in banking and technology to accelerate growth of its two distinct
business- Products (intellect) business and IT Services business."