February 21, 2014
Press Release No. 1
NSE Organizes
Investor Week to Spread Awareness, Empower Market Participants
FEBRUARY 21, New Delhi: India�s leading stock exchange, the National
Stock Exchange (NSE) organised a week-long investor awareness programme in the
Delhi National Capital Region (NCR) to create awareness among students, army
personnel, industry bodies and corporates�
about the importance of financial planning, and growing money by
following good investment practises.� The
purpose of the week long initiative is to bring more people into the formal
financial system by encouraging them to choose right investment avenues.
Awareness sessions were conducted at MDI
Gurgaon, IILM Institute for higher education, with Industry bodies like FIEO
and NASSCOM and with employees of corporates. A stall was set up at the Delhi
book fair to engage with book lovers on rights and obligations of investors and
the need to invest in productive assets. The drive will conclude with an
investor run on Sunday the 23rd of February at the popular Thyagaraj
stadium to encourage Delhiites to run for health and wealth.
At the investor run, participants can
choose between the 4.5 km timed Nifty Run, the 4.5 km Power Run and the 3 km Bull Run.
Since 2011, 26 investor runs have been held in metros
and cities like Pune, Bhubaneshwar, Kochi, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Indore and
Vadodara. Nearly 40,000 people have participated in the Investothon in the past
three years.
While the focus in the investor week was
on educating investors about exchange traded funds, like Nifty ETF, and the
advantages of ETF�s for retail investors, rights and obligations of investors
and the risk return relationship, NSE�s attention has also been focussed on
offering opportunities to the hundreds of SMEs in the Delhi National capital
region to raise much needed risk capital through NSE�s EMERGE SME platform or
by listing on NSE�s new Institutional trading platform EMERGE ITP.
EMERGE ITP connects growing businesses to
a pool of sophisticated investors such as private equity funds, high net worth
individuals (HNI�s) and angel investors looking to invest in early stage
ventures. It allows start-ups, young companies and SMEs to list cost
effectively, without an initial public offering (IPO), and provides exit to the investors.
Addressing the press, NSE�s Chief Business
Development, Mr Ravi Varanasi said ��Through EMERGE ITP we are bringing
together growth companies and risk investors in a well regulated environment,
enabling both sides to benefit from the discipline and transparency, to create
a virtuous cycle facilitating flow of risk capital to growth companies.
can go in for private placements or rights issues to fund their growth. The
platform will provide the companies with higher visibility and credibility.
They can dilute stake to informed investors only on need basis to conserve
value and attract and retain talent with ESOPs etc.
Risk investors who invest
in such SME�s will be able to exit quickly, easily monitor invested portfolio
and� generate higher returns since exit
from a listed company attracts only Securities Transaction Tax (STT) instead of
Capital Gains tax.
Another recent
offering from NSE has been the new NSE Bond Futures (NBF II) based on two GOI
securities i.e. 7.16% and 8.83% 2023, available in the 9 to 10 year maturity
An increasing
number of market participants, including retail investors, are looking at this
product with a view to using it as a tool to hedge their interest rate risk.
Market participants such as
banks, primary dealers, mutual funds, insurance companies, FIIs, Corporates,
trading members as well as retail investors can trade in this product.� All categories of participants carry interest
rate risk. Interest rate risk could arise from loans taken by a corporate
entity, institution or an individual.�
Similarly investing in fixed income instruments like bonds, fixed
deposits or even debt mutual funds creates interest rate exposure.