February 21, 2011


Press Release No. 1

Clarification by Anant Raj Industries Limited


Substantial increase in trading volumes have been observed in Anant Raj Industries Limited in the recent past.


The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Anant Raj Industries Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "It is hereby clarified that the Company or any of its group entity or promoters have not taken and are not in the process of taking any decision which may be treated as Price Sensitive. Further, the Company hereby clarifies that neither the Company nor any of its Holding, Subsidiary or Group Company or its Promoters and Directors has direct or indirect connection or interest in any Telecom Company or Telecom Business. It also clarifies that the Group has made any or all its transaction only relating to its Real Estate, Construction & Development Business and none of its transaction relates to any Telecom Company or Telecom Business."



Press Release No. 2

NSE completes its 2747th Normal Settlement


The Exchange has successfully completed its 2747th Normal Settlement (Rolling T+2 following SEBI directive) since inception i.e., Settlement Number N � 2011033 on Feb 21, 2011. The settlement statistics are as follows:





Total traded quantity (lakhs)


Total traded value (Rs. In Crores)


Total value of the settlement (Securities) (Rs. In Crores)


Total value of the settlement (Funds) (Rs. In Crores)


Shortages for the settlement


%ofDelivery ( No. of shares deliverable / No. of shares traded )


Retail Debt Market has completed its 2020th settlement, details of which are as follows:


Settlement No.

Traded Value

Settlement Value





D- 2011033