May 18, 2009

Press Release no. 1

Circuit Breakers


SEBI vide their Circular No. SMDRPD/Policy/Cir-37 dated June 28, 2001 has stipulated that the index based market wide circuit breaker system shall apply at three stages of the index movement at 10%, 15% and 20%, irrespective of whether the market moves up or down. These percentages are translated into absolute points of index variations on a quarterly basis. For the current quarter, applicable Nifty points are 300 points for 10%, 450 points for 15% and 600 points for 20%. Similarly, applicable Sensex points are 975 points for 10%, 1450 points for 15% and 1950 points for 20%.


As such, on May 18, 2009, within a few seconds after markets opened, Nifty went up by 531.65 points and Sensex went up by 1789.88 points thereby crossing 450 points (15%) for Nifty & 1450 points (15%) for Sensex. Consequently equity and equity derivatives markets were closed for a period 2 hours as prescribed in the above mentioned circular. Subsequently after reopening at 11.55 am, Nifty further went up and closed 651.50 points higher.Similarly Sensex closed 2110.79 points higher, thereby crossing 600 points (20%) for Nifty and 1950 points (20%) for Sensex. As per the above-mentioned circular, equity and equity derivatives markets were closed for the rest of the day.


The existing policy will continue to govern trading on the exchanges.Accordingly, the first level of the circuit breaker at 10% will be triggered at 300 points for Nifty and 975 for Sensex over the respective closing level of the indices today.�� The second circuit breaker at 15% and the third circuit breaker at 20%, will be triggered at 450 points and 600 points for the NIFTY respectively and 1450 points and 1950 points for the Sensex respectively, over the closing levels of today.



Press Release no. 2

NSE Currency Derivatives Segment surpasses 1 million contracts equivalent to over 1 billion US Dollars


The Currency Derivatives Segment was launched for the first time in India on August 29, 2008 on National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). NSE Currency Derivatives Segment witnessed another milestone today (May 18, 2009) by registering trading volumes of more than 1 Million contracts in USD-INR futures, valued at over USD 1 Billion.


The segment clocked USD 1.06 billion (Rs.5090.80 Crs) on May 18, 2009. The open interest also witnessed a growth to close at USD 334 million.



Press Release no. 3



There have been reports in some sections of the press that there were some settlement / margin issues today. We would like to confirm that all settlements were completed smoothly as per schedule. Further, there are no issues on margin collection and it has been computed as per the regular policy.




Press Release no. 4

Expulsion of Trading Member - M/s. SUNCHAN SECURITIES LIMITED


The National Stock Exchange of India Limited has expelled the trading member M/s. SUNCHAN SECURITIES LTD. (SEBI registration no. INB230896533/INF230896533) with effect from May 18, 2009 in terms of Chapter IV of the Rules of the Exchange.


Consequently, M/s. SUNCHAN SECURITIES LTD. ceases to be a clearing member of National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd., with effect from May 18, 2009.



Press Release no. 5

NSE completes its 2303rd Normal Settlement


The Exchange has successfully completed its 2303rd Normal Settlements (Rolling T+2 following SEBI directive) since inception i.e., Settlement Numbers N � 2009085 on May 18, 2009. The settlement statistics is as follows:����





Total traded quantity (lakhs)


Total traded value (Rs. In Crores)


Total value of the settlement (Securities) (Rs. In Crores)


Total value of the settlement (Funds) (Rs. In Crores)


Shortages for the settlement


% ofDelivery ( No. of shares deliverable / No. of shares traded )


Retail Debt Market have completed its 1577th settlements detail of which are as follows:


Settlement No.

Traded Value

Settlement Value





D- 2009085