April 18, 2012
Press Release No. 1
News about GVK Power & Infrastructure
media had reports that Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) is
in talks to buy a stake in the company's arm, GVK Coal Developers Singapore.
Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information
reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of
the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
Power & Infrastructure Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated,
"We wish to inform you that, as of now, there is no proposal of dilution
of our company's minority equity stake (10%) in GVK Coal Developers (Singapore)
Pte. Ltd."
Press Release No. 2
Proposed suspension of
trading in the equity shares of� Pearl
Engineering Polymers Limited, Koutons Retail India Limited and Vikash Metal
& Power Limited.
The equity shares of following companies will be suspended
from trading w.e.f. April 26, 2012 (i.e.
closing hours of trading on April 25, 2012) until
further notice on the Capital Market Segment of the National Stock Exchange of
India Limited for non- compliance with certain provisions of the Listing
Engineering Polymers Limited
Retail India Limited
Metal & Power Limited
Notice was sent to the above companies seeking reasons for
non- compliance with certain provisions of the listing agreement. The companies
have failed to respond satisfactorily to the said notice of the Exchange. In
view of this, the Exchange has decided to suspend trading in the equity shares
of the aforesaid companies w.e.f. April 26, 2012 (i.e. closing hours of trading
on April 25, 2012) till further notice.
Press Release No. 3
completes 3034th Normal Settlement
The Exchange has successfully
completed its 3034th Normal Settlement (Rolling T+2 following SEBI
directive) since inception i.e., Settlement Number N � 2012071 on April 18,
2012. The settlement statistics are as follows:��
Particulars |
N-2012071 |
Total traded quantity (lakhs) |
4872.01 |
Total traded value (Rs. In Crores) |
8948.75 |
Total value of the settlement (Securities) (Rs. In Crores) |
2429.51 |
Total value of the settlement (Funds) (Rs. In Crores) |
782.91 |
Shortages for the settlement |
0.10% |
% of� Delivery ( No. of shares
deliverable / No. of shares traded ) |
24.61% |
Retail Debt Market has completed its 2307th settlement,
details of which are as follows:
No. |
Value (Rs.) |
Value (Rs.) |
Securities |
Funds |
D- 2012071 |