September 17, 2012
Press Release No. 1
NSE announces revision in leased line
& VSAT charges
to benefit� members, especially small and medium members
The Exchange has always
endeavored to enhance the trading experience of the member brokers by providing
world class products and technology in a cost-effective manner. With this
objective in mind, NSE has been continuously reducing costs for members by
optimizing the cost of existing modes of connectivity or by introducing new or
innovative modes of connectivity, while continuing to offer cutting edge
In a move to benefit members and
investors, today, NSE is pleased to announce a lowering of connectivity costs
for VSATS and leased lines.� This
initiative has been taken, especially to address the requirements of small and
medium sized members, by bringing down their connectivity costs.
It has been decided to lower the
annual recovery charges for� �A� category
(40 messages) entry level leased line and �S� category (Connect2nse, which
provides exchange related services including clearing and settlement and risk
management services ) leased line by 50%
i.e. from the existing Rs.1 lakh per
annum� to Rs.50,000 per annum, �with effect from� October 01, 2012.
The Exchange has also reviewed VSAT recovery
charges to its members, which have been reduced by almost 65% from the existing Rs. 1
lakh per annum to Rs. 36,000 per annum, for VSAT (Option I) and reduced by
almost 76% to Rs. 23,500/ per VSAT per
annum for VSAT option 2, with effect from February 01, 2013, post the
necessary government approvals. These two VSAT options will have different
service level arrangements.
MD and CEO of NSE, Mr. Ravi Narain
said�� we have been providing world class technology and different options for
connectivity to members in rural areas, smaller cities and the metros, at very
affordable prices. This decision will further help member brokers to expand
their reach and grow their business by getting more retail clientele.��
NSE is keen that in
difficult times, the burden of fixed overhead costs is brought down for member
brokers. It has also always been NSE�s endeavour to pass on benefits of cost
efficiency to its members and the investor community. Today�s move
also comes after several such announcements in the last decade and more, on
reducing connectivity, infrastructure and trading costs. . In September 2009
the cost of a VSAT in a rural or semi-urban area was offset against transaction
charges due from the member. This offset was also provided for leased lines in
May 2010.�
The exchange has also reduced
transaction costs for member brokers several times, since its inception. In
1996, when the cash segment was introduced it was Rs. 10/- for a lakh of trade
for any traded value, in 2000, it was brought down to Rs. 4/- for traded value
above 800 crore and Rs. 7/- for traded value up to 200 crore. It was further
brought down in 2005 to Rs. 3.50 per lakh of trade for any traded value and
then again in 2009, it was brought down to Rs. 3.25 for a lakh of trade for
traded value up to the first 1250 crore and Rs.
3/- for traded value above 15,000 crore
Charges have been brought down
over the years in the futures and options segment as well.� In July 2001, for both futures and options a
fee was levied (after an initial waiver in 2000) at Rs. 2/- for a lakh of
trade. In 2005, charges on options began to be levied on just the premium and
not the traded value. In 2009, on futures fees was brought down to Rs 1.90 per
lakh for traded value up to the first 2500 crore and Rs 1.75 for traded value
above 15,000 crore.
The Exchange has been providing
various modes of connectivity to its members and other market participants,
namely, VSAT, leased lines, NOW, MPLS(which gives a different mode of
connectivity for members in smaller cities)�
etc. Within leased line connectivity, the Exchange has provided multiple
options to suit the varying needs of the members. Currently a large number of
small and medium sized members connect to the Exchange, using either the �A�
category (40 message) Leased Line or a VSAT. As stated above, the Exchange
constantly endeavours to provide the most cost efficient mode of connectivity,
to access the trading platform of the Exchange, especially keeping in mind the
needs of its medium and small members.
This move comes after connectivity costs were reduced in 2009 and 2010, when the cost of the leased line or VSAT situated in rural and semi-urban areas was offset against transaction charges due from the member. This was done in September 2009, for VSATS and in May 2010, for leased lines.
The Exchange had introduced
highly robust, reliable and resilient IP based trading network four years ago,
with 12 Points of presence (POPs), three in Mumbai, two in Delhi, two in
Kolkata, one each at Chennai and Ahmedabad, as well as in smaller cities like
Rajkot, Jaipur and Kochi. These POP�s have reduced leased line charges for the
up country members drastically. The network has also facilitated higher
bandwidth of 2 Mbps, expansion in a cost effective manner, scalability and
better uptime.
Press Release No. 2
Market-wide Position Limit in PANTALOONR
The derivative contracts in the underlying PANTALOONR have
crossed 95% of the market-wide position limit on September 17, 2012. It is
hereby informed that all clients/ members shall trade in derivative contracts
of PANTALOONR by offsetting their existing positions till the open interest
comes down to 80% of the market wide position limit.