May 17, 2013


Press Release No. 1

NSE organises SME conclave to create awareness in Indore


The National Stock Exchange (NSE), today, organized an �Emerging Businesses Conclave� for the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in and around Indore, to educate them on the availability of alternative sources of finance to fund their growth requirements.


Indore is often referred to as mini Mumbai, because of many small scale industry clusters, in and just outside the city. While the banking industry is well entrenched in the country, it is not sufficient to meet the needs of fast growing SMEs.Today�s conference is an attempt to reach out to the hundreds of SME�s here, who can use alternate channels such as an exchange platform, to raise productive capital. Less than a year ago, NSE had launched a dedicated exchange platform for SME�s, where companies with strong corporate governance and good business fundamentals can raise equity capital, to finance their growth.


The conclave was inaugurated by Mr. Kailash Vijayvargiya, Minister, Commerce and Industries and Employment, IT, Science and Technology, Madhya Pradesh Government.

Mr. U. K. Sinha, Chairman, SEBI, was the chief guest of the event and Ms Chitra Ramkrishna, MD and CEO of NSE delivered the opening remarks.


Mr. Pratik Tongia, Director, Hindustan Equipments Pvt. Ltd. and Mr. Kayum Dhanani, MD, Barbeque Nation Hospitality Ltd shared their experiences during the event.


NSE's SME platform �EMERGE� helps companies with potential, to unlock value and emerge on a bigger stage. Not only does listing give these SME�s more visibility, it also gives them higher credibility amongst customers and other stakeholders.


Ms. Chitra Ramkrishna, Managing Director & CEO at NSE said, �Availability of equity capital is a critical requirement to enable deserving SME�s to fully exploit the opportunities available to them. EMERGE provides them with a platform to raise funds in a transparent and efficient manner.�


NSE handholds interested entrepreneurs from the time they show intent to list right up to the stage of listing. Currently a few high quality SMEs are trading on this platform and NSE has established a credible admission process for companies to give confidence to investors. Many credible institutions, retail investors as well as high networth individuals are investing in these companies.


Apart from NSE's own admission process and a third party diligence to inspire investor confidence, NSE is encouraging the SME�s to get voluntarily graded by credible rating agencies.Additionally, the companies listed on Emerge raise capital through a transparent book building process


The exchange is also encouraging credible institutions to become nominated investors, to support the merchant bankers in underwriting the issue and subsequently ensuring market making for the company (buying and selling of the shares by the market maker), to ensure that there is enough liquidity in the stock.


There are several clusters like the Pithampur special economic zone and the Sanwer industrial belt, which are hubs for textiles, pharmaceuticals and savory manufacturing units in Indore, which require to raise capital, for their growth plans and 'Emerge' can be an ideal platform for them, to raise funds in an efficient and transparent manner. In fact one third of India�s namkeen demand is met by the savory or namkeen makers in this region, they can exploit this opportunity as well.


At the event, there was also a panel discussion on �Attracting finance from alternate channels.� Panelists included Mr. Vinay Chauhan, VP, Avigo Capital Partners, Mr.Aneesh Matapurkar, Executive Director, O3 Capital Global Advisory Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Mukesh Agrawal, President, CRISIL and the session was moderated by Mr. Ravi Tyagi, General Manager, SIDBI.




National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSEL), India�s largest exchange in equity and Equity Derivatives segments was established in the mid 1990�s as a demutualised electronic exchange by leading Indian Financial Institutions. NSE offers trading, clearing and settlement services in a range of products covering various asset classes namely equity, debt, derivatives on equity, currencies and interest rates. NSE provides a modern, fully automated screen based trading system. NSE�s trading platform is connected to two lakh trading terminals, spread across more than 2000 towns and cities giving it an extensive reach. NSE has played an important role in helping reform the Indian securities market and in bringing about transparency, efficiency and market integrity. The exchange conducts more than 1,500 seminars or workshops in different parts of India, every year.


NSE has focused on financial inclusion for nearly two decades. Some of the initiatives include a partnership with 9 universities and colleges to run MBA and post graduate courses in financial markets. The exchange has also partnered with a large number of schools, through CBSE to run courses in financial markets, for senior school students.


NSE is ranked the world�s largest exchange in cash market trades, the world�s largest exchange in currency trading and the second largest in index options and the third largest in index and stock futures.NSE�s flagship index, the Nifty 50, is used extensively by investors and market participants in India and around the world, to take exposure to the Indian equities market. For more information about NSE, please visit:



Press Release No. 2

News about HeidelbergCement India Limited


The media had reports that Bain Capital may buy stake in HeidelbergCement India Limited.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


HeidelbergCement India Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, " We have high standards of corporate governance and have always kept a principle of not reacting to market speculation or rumours."



Press Release No. 3

News about SREI Infrastructure Finance Limited


The media had reports that SREI Infrastructure Finance Limited has expressed interest in buying the Austrian subsidiary of the Hypo Alpe Adria.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


SREI Infrastructure Finance Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, �We would like to state that Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited is not buying Austrian Hypo Alpe Adria."



Press Release No. 4

Security listed and admitted to dealings - VIVIDHA


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. May 21, 2013. Trading shall be in the Normal Market segment � Compulsory Demat (Rolling Settlement) for all investors.


Sr. No.


Name of the Company




Visagar Polytex Limited




Press Release No. 5

Security listed and admitted to dealings - VIMALOIL


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. May 21, 2013. Trading shall be in the Normal Market segment � Compulsory Demat (Rolling Settlement) for all investors.



Sr. No.


Name of the Company




Vimal Oil & Foods Limited
