���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������� July 14, 2015
Press Release No. 1
by Himatsingka Seide Limited
Significant volume movement has been observed in
Himatsingka Seide Limited.
The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have
latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so
that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
Seide Limited has inter alia stated that "We have been diligently
disclosing all material information promptly from time to time to the Stock
Exchanges as per the requirement of the Listing Agreement".
Press Release No. 2
by KEI Industries Limited
Significant volume movement
has been observed in KEI Industries Limited.
The Exchange, in order to
ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to
inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded,
had written to the company.
KEI Industries
Limited� has inter alia stated that
"The company is regular in due compliance with Clause 36 of the Listing
Agreement and also intimating / uploading all price sensitive information on
website of stock exchanges & its own web-site while intimating the same to
the Stock Exchanges. Further there are no pending announcements in near future
that have a bearing on the operation / performance of the company".
Press Release No. 3
by Lovable Lingerie Limited
Significant volume movement
has been observed in Lovable Lingerie Limited
The Exchange, in order to
ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to
inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded,
had written to the company.
A copy of the clarification
is available on the NSE website (http://www.nseindia.com) under (Corporates
> Corporate Information > Announcements).
Press Release No. 4
Position Limit in INDIACEM
The derivative contracts in
the underlying INDIACEM have crossed 95%
of the market-wide position limit on Jul 01, 2015. It is hereby informed that
all clients/ members shall trade in derivative contracts of INDIACEM by
offsetting their existing positions till the open interest comes down to 80% of
the market wide position limit.