June 13, 2013

Press Release No. 1

Clarification by Tata Coffee Limited


Substantial increase in trading volumes has been observed in Tata Coffee Limited. The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company. Tata Coffee Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "At present there is no market sensitive information relating to our Company that has not been shared with Exchange."



Press Release No. 2

Revocation of trading in the securities of Aster Silicates Limited and Asian Electronics Limited


The Exchange had earlier suspended the trading in equity shares of the following companies on account of non-compliance with the provisions of the Listing Agreement:

���� Aster Silicates Limited

���� Asian Electronics Limited


With the companies satisfactorily meeting with the listing requirements, the Exchange has now decided to revoke the suspension of trading in the securities of the above companies� w.e.f. June 17, 2013.



Press Release No. 3

Suspension of trading in the securities of Abhishek Corporation Limited and K S Oils Limited


The equity shares offollowing companies will be suspended from trading w.e.f. June 21, 2013 (i.e. closing hours of trading on June 20, 2013)until further notice on the Capital Market Segment of the National Stock Exchange of India Limited for non- compliance with certain provisions of the Listing Agreement.


        K S Oils Limited

        Abhishek Corporation Limited


Notice was sent to the above companies seeking reasons for non- compliance with certain provisions of the listing agreement. The companies have failed to respond satisfactorily to the said notice of the Exchange. In view of this, the Exchange has decided to suspend trading in the equity shares of the aforesaid companies� w.e.f. June 21, 2013 (i.e. closing hours of trading on June 20, 2013) till further notice.