May 13, 2013

Press Release No. 1

NSE records volumes of Rs. 691 crore on Akshaya Tritiya on May 13

- A growth of nearly 14 % per cent as compared to Akshaya Tritiya, last year

On the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, the National Stock Exchange (NSE) today recorded a traded value of Rs 691 crore in gold exchange traded funds (Gold ETF�s). This was nearly 14 % higher, as compared to the traded values on Akshaya Tritiya, last year, which stood at Rs 608 crore.


The number of units of gold ETF traded today were 26,98,610, an increase ofmore than 14 per cent , from the number of units traded last year on akshaya tritiya, when23,60,000 units were traded.


Volumes in gold ETF�s have shown consistent growth over the last four years, with impressive participation from retail investors, especially on auspicious days like Akshaya Tritiya and Dhanteras.

NSE had extended market timings on this Akshaya Tritiya, to give an opportunity to investors, to invest in Gold ETF�s, till 7pm in the evening.

In mid-April, trading activity was much higher than the previous month.The turnover of Gold ETFs on the NSE platform touched Rs. 926 crore in April 2013 which was 3.2 times the turnover in March 2013 at Rs. 284 crore.


Delivery volumes in Gold ETF�s, on the NSE platform, stood at Rs. 510 crore, which is 1.5 times the average delivery monthly volumes of Rs. 328 crore in the last six months i.e. from Oct 2012 to March 2013.

Akshaya Tritiya is considered an auspicious occasion to buy gold, and gold ETF�s perform the role of stabilizing a portfolio and protect an investor against market fluctuations.

As an investment tool, Gold ETF�s have many advantages over physical gold. Investment in Gold ETF�s is possible for retail investors in very small denominations of one gram and the product comes with a very high purity quotient. An investor doesn�t have to worry about locker charges and can trade the units with complete transparency, on an exchange.

As an investment product, gold ETF�s have seen tremendous growth. Assets under management on year-on-year basis have grown by 18%, to Rs. 11,648 crore in March 2013 from Rs. 9886 crore in March last year.




Press Release No. 2

NSE launches the first dedicated Debt Platform on the Exchange


India's first dedicated debt platform was launched by the National Stock Exchange this morning.SEBI Whole Time Member, Mr. Rajeev Kumar Agarwal, inaugurated the platform and Ms. Chitra Ramkrishna, MD & CEO of the National Stock Exchange, was present at the launch.


The Debt segment will provide an opportunity to retail investors to invest in Corporate bonds on a liquid and transparent exchange platform, will help Institutions who are holders of Corporate bonds an ideal platform to buy and sell at optimum prices and help Corporates to get adequate demand, when they are issuing the bonds.


NSE had recently received approval from SEBI to launch the Debt segment.there will be two platforms in the Debt segment, the retail platform and the Institutional platform, where the lot sizes will be low as one bond for retail investors (up to a ceiling of 1 crore value), while institutions can trade in lots sizes of 1 crore (Institutional odd lot) and its multiples and 5 crore (Institutional normal lot) and its multiples.While publicly placed Corporate bonds will be listed for trading in the retail platform, the privately placed Corporate bonds will be listed on the Institutional platform.Institutions can also buy and sell publicly placed Corporate bonds.


In his recent budget speech, the Finance Minister had said that stock exchanges will be allowed to launch a debt segment where banks, primary dealers will be trading members, along with insurance companies, provident funds and pension funds. Once the relevant guidelines are issued, all these categories will be able to trade directly as members. Banks have already been allowed to come in as Members.


MD and CEO of NSE, Ms. Chitra Ramkrishna said "we have been actively engaging with many key Institutions and are confident that they will be able to bring in liquidity to the platform, which will benefit the entire eco system of issuers, institutions and retail investors."

She added �the institutional platform on the exchanges is an innovation, which has been launched after intensive feedback from market participants. It is very similar to RBI�s NDS-OM, where government securities are traded on a transparent platform�


Over the years, an acute need has been felt for a dedicated debt platform on an exchange, where small investors can trade in Corporate bonds, of even small value, and get transparent prices. The first dedicated Debt platform on an exchange, is a result of intensive and sustained efforts by the Government of India, the regulator and NSE, to provide a liquid and transparent trading platform or debt related products.


Corporate bonds provide stable returns, making it an attractive product for retail investors, who are unable to trade in the OTC or over the counter market. Now retail investors can trade on the debt segment, where prices will be determined through market dynamics by anonymous order matching, just like they are determined for shares.


All existing Members of NSE can take membership of the segment, without any fresh deposits. They will only have to pay one lakh rupees, as a contribution to the settlement guarantee fund.


For the retail platform, a uniform margin rate of 10% will be applicable on debt instruments with a rating of AA or above (or with similar rating nomenclature) by recognized credit rating agencies and 25% for all other debt instruments.


While the order books for the retail platform and institutional platform will be different, the settlement for the two platforms will also be different. For the retail platform, settlement will be on T + 2, netting between securities will be allowed and there will be a settlement guarantee, while for the institutional platform, settlement will be on T + 1, on a trade for trade basis.



Press Release No. 3

Clarification by Shree Rama Multi-Tech Limited


Significant price movement has been observed in Shree Rama Multi-Tech Limited.


The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Shree Rama Multi-Tech Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "We beg to state that the prices of our shares have gone up in the last 3 days after announcement of judgment by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the case of SEBI Vs Nirma Limited. The said judgment requires Nirma Limited to complete the open offer of Shree Rama Multi-Tech Limited as per earlier announcement made by Nirma limited. Accordingly, the appeal of Nirma Ltd is dismissed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court. We feel that because of the said judgment, the prices of our shares have started showing upward trend in the Stock Exchanges across India."



����������� Press Release No. 4

Listing of Gujarat Sidhee Cement Limited


The trading in equity shares of Gujarat Sidhee Cement Limited shall be recommenced on the Exchange pursuant to Reduction of Capital w.e.f. May 15, 2013.


Sr. No.



Name of the Company





Gujarat Sidhee Cement Limited








*Currently the securities shall be available for trading in Series 'BE' and subsequently be shifted to Series 'EQ' as per SEBI circular no. SEBI/Cir/ISD/1/2010 dated September 2, 2010.