January 12, 2007

Press Release no.1

Security listed and admitted to dealings � TIDEWATER


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. January 16, 2007. Trading shall be in the Normal Market segment � Compulsory Demat (Rolling Settlement) for all investors.


Sr. No.


Name of the Company




Tide Water Oil Co. (India)Limited




Press Release no.2

Security listed and admitted to dealings- LUMAXTECH


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. January 16, 2007. Trading shall be in the Normal Market Segment � Compulsory Demat (Rolling Settlement) for all investors.


Sr. No.


Name of the Company




Lumax Auto Technologies Limited




Press Release no.3

News about Oil & Natural Gas Corpn Limited


The media had reports that on January 06, 2007 Oil & Natural Gas Corpn Ltd's 100% subsidiary ONGC Videsh Ltd may buy up to 33% stake in two Caspian Sea blocks off Turkmenistan for about $34-45 million from Denmark's Maersk Oil and German firm Wintershall.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the officials of the company.


Oil & Natural Gas Corpn Ltd vide its letter has inter-alia replied that,"ONGC Videsh Limited was invited by M/s. Maersk Oil to participate in the bidding of the proposed divesting of 30 % of participating interest of Maersk Oil Turkmenistan B V Gas in Block 11 - 12 located in offshore Turkmenistan at north-eastern margin of the South Caspian Basin. Subsequently, OVL was shortlisted for further negotiation with the Maersk Oil. Pursuant to these negotiations, the agreements are likely to be signed in near future subject to the approval by the host Government / Government agencies".



Press Release no.4

News about Zandu Pharmaceutical works Limited


The media had reports that Zandu Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. is setting up a unit at the Pantnagar industrial estate in Uttarakhand.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the officials of the company.


Zandu Pharmaceutical works Ltd. has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "Please note that the company is setting up a new unit in Uttaranchal and not at Himachal Pradesh as stated in the news article, at a total cost of Rs. 25 crores. In the Annual General Meeting held on 26th August 2005, the Chairman had informed the members on setting up of a new manufacturing unit at Uttranchal."



Press Release no.5

NSE completes its 1730th Normal Settlement


The Exchange has successfully completed its 1730th Normal Settlements (Rolling T+2 following SEBI directive) since inception i.e., Settlement Number N � 2007007 on January 12, 2007. The settlement statistics are as follows:




N � 2007007

Total traded quantity (lakhs)


Total traded value (Rs. In Crores)


Total value of the settlement (Securities) (Rs. In Crores)


Total value of the settlement (Funds) (Rs. In Crores)


Shortages for the settlement


% ofDelivery ( No. of shares deliverable / No. of shares traded )



Retail Debt Market has completed its 1004th settlement details of which are as follows:


Settlement No.

Traded Value

Settlement Value





D- 2007007