

January 10, 2014


Press Release No. 1

NSCCL Rated �CCR AAA� for Sixth consecutive year


For sixth consecutive, year CRISIL has assigned its highest corporate credit rating of �CCR AAA� to the National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd (NSCCL). 'CCR AAA' rating indicates the highest degree of strength with regard to honouring debt obligations. As per CRISIL, the rating reflects NSCCL�s status as Clearing Corporation for NSE. The rating also factors in NSCCL�s rigorous risk management controls and adequate settlement guarantee cover.


CRISIL has further stated that NSCCL�s risk management system is comprehensive and is regularly upgraded to pre-empt market failures. The company addresses risks in clearing and settlement with its stringent norms for selection of members, robust margining system, and risk-based position limits and surveillance mechanism.