
November 09, 2010

Press Release No. 1

NSE launches mobile trading for all investors


The National Stock Exchange has taken the next big leap in technology by starting mobile trading for registered clients in the country.


So far, only a handful of Member brokers had the option of providing this facility to clients at their own cost, but now for the first time an Indian exchange will provide this facility to its clients, through the brokers who have enrolled for �NOW�,free of cost.


The brokers or the clients will not have to make any investments from their side.


Member brokers will now have to only go through the regular compliance before facilitating their clients for mobile trading.Clients can trade through their GPRS enabled mobile set, while traveling anywhere in India or abroad.They can trade in the cash market, derivatives or currency, just like they can trade through their trading terminals and at the same speed. The clients� mobile will be connected to the internet, then to the NOW platform (the software which is being used by a majority of the NSE brokers) which is connected to the exchange. This is very similar to the way a client can trade through a dealer terminal or through �nowonline.in�, the website through which trade is possible, without the broker�s intervention.


To access the application, the client will need to provide the valid login id and password; He will be provided access to live market data and the ability to trade.


A client can see the �Market watch� page on his mobile screen. This will display all the available indices and constituents of these indices. The viewer can see the last traded price, percentage change, best bid, best bid quantity, best offer and best offer quantity.

The user can place, modify and cancel orders. Each client�s orders & trades are subject to the limits provided by the respective Member broker.


CEO and MD Mr. Ravi Narain said�� This is another facility the exchange is providing to the large universe of investors, to make trading simpler and easily accessible to clients on the move. Someone sitting in a remote corner like Darbhanga or Siliguri can see market watch and execute trades. We expect that nearly 5 million investors would benefit from this move.��


Several safeguards have been built in, to ensure that the right people trade and messages are not tampered with.

1)      Clients interested in Mobile Trading need to sign the modified Member-client agreement

2)      A Member has to enable a client for Mobile Trading

3)      Identification through unique user id and password

4)      A Comprehensive password policy has been implemented, with compulsory expiry of password after 14 days and automatic locking of user id after 3 unsuccessful attempts. The use of the last three passwords will not be accepted.

5)      Only duly authorized clients� orders will be allowed to be placed.

6)      Online risk assessment will be done of all orders placed. Only orders within the parameters, specified by the risk management systems will be allowed to be placed

7)      Message integrity will be ensured through end to end encryption

8)      Data will not be stored in the mobile for long, so that if it�s lost,data doesn�t get stolen



Press Release No. 2

Market-wide Position Limit in CHAMBLFERT


The derivative contracts in the underlying CHAMBLFERT have crossed 95% of the market-wide position limit on November 09, 2010. It is hereby informed that all clients/ members shall trade in derivative contracts ofCHAMBLFERTby offsetting their existing positions till the open interest comes down to 80% of the market wide position limit.



Press Release No. 3

News about Ambuja Cements Ltd. and ACC Ltd.


The media had reports that Ambuja Cements Limited may merge itself with ACC Ltd.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the officials of the company.


Ambuja Cements Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "We would like to inform you that we do not have any such proposal."


ACC Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "We would like to clarify that the news item about the merger of ACC and Ambuja Cements Ltd. is not factual."



Press Release No. 4

News about Sri Adhikari Brothers Television Network Limited


The media had reports that Sri Adhikari Brothers Television Network Limited may sell its stake in its subsidiary, Masti.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the officials of the company.


Sri Adhikari Brothers Television Network Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "We like to re-iterate that management of the company completely disassociates itself from such news items and always disassociates itself from market rumours. The company has always in past informed the stock exchange about any specific development and will adhere to the same in future also."



Press Release No. 5

Security listed & admitted to dealings � TECHNO


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. November 10, 2010.


Sr. No.



Name of the Company





Techno Electric & Engineering Company Limited



*Currently the securities shall be available for trading in Series 'BE' and subsequently be shifted to Series 'EQ' as per SEBI circular no. SEBI/Cir/ISD/1/2010 dated September 2, 2010



Press Release No. 6

NSE completes its 2675th and 2676th Normal Settlement


The Exchange has successfully completed its 2675th and 2676th Normal Settlements (Rolling T+2 following SEBI directive) since inception i.e., Settlement Number N � 2010212 and N - 2010213 on November 09, 2010. The settlement statistics are as follows:






Total traded quantity (lakhs)



Total traded value (Rs. In Crores)



Total value of the settlement (Securities) (Rs. In Crores)



Total value of the settlement (Funds) (Rs. In Crores)



Shortages for the settlement



% ofDelivery ( No. of shares deliverable / No. of shares traded )



Retail Debt Market has completed its 1948th and 1949th settlements, details of which are as follows:


Settlement No.

Traded Value

Settlement Value





D- 2010212




D- 2010213