�April 07, 2011
Press Release No. 1
News about GVK Power &
Infrastructure Limited
The media had reports that GVK Power &
Infrastructure Limited is in talks with investors to raise funds for the
purchase of two Hancock Prospecting Pty coal mines.
The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or
otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market
place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the
Reply is awaited from the Company.
Press Release No. 2
Clarification by Agro Dutch Industries
Significant price movement has been observed in Agro
Dutch Industries Limited.
The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have
latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so
that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
Agro Dutch Industries Limited has vide its letter
inter-alia stated, "We would like to submit and confirm that there is no
information/announcement which can be considered as sensitive."
Press Release No. 3
Clarification by Jai Corp Limited
Substantial increase in trading volume has been
observed in Jai Corp Limited.
The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have
latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so
that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
Jai Corp Limited has vide its letter inter-alia
stated, "We have no information/announcement to make with respect to the
Company's operation/performance which may have a bearing on the price/volume
behavior of the Company's shares."
Press Release No. 4
Clarification by Strides Arcolab Limited
Substantial increase in trading volume has been
observed in Strides Arcolab Limited.
The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have
latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so
that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
Strides Arcolab Limited has vide its letter inter-alia
stated,� We wish to clarify that there are no material events / price sensitive
information/announcement (including pending announcement) which the Company has
not disclosed to the exchange."
Press Release No. 5
Clarification by Aster Silicates Limited
Significant price movement has been observed in
Aster Silicates Limited.
The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have
latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so
that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
Aster Silicates Limited has vide its letter
inter-alia stated," The company has informed the stock exchange on
December 23, 2010 that "The Company has started the first phase commercial
production of the new project establish out of IPO funds from December 23, 2010
with 150 MT per day capacity. Further the entire project would be completed by
March 2011." Further take a note that project has been completed in March
however some miscellaneous issues regarding the Commercial production have been
kept on hold. We shall intimate shortly when we start the commercial
production. However, as of date there is no information/announcement pending
that has bearing on the operation/ performance of the company."
Press Release No. 6
NSE completes its 2778th
and 2779th
The Exchange has successfully
completed its 2778th
and 2779th Normal Settlements (Rolling T+2
following SEBI directive) since inception i.e., Settlement Number N � 2011064
and N - 2011065 on April 07, 2011. The settlement statistics are as follows:
Total traded quantity (lakhs) |
6783.76 |
8130.99 |
Total traded value (Rs. In Crores) |
11913.12 |
13087.00 |
Total value of the settlement (Securities) (Rs. In Crores) |
3303.15 |
3211.19 |
Total value of the settlement (Funds) (Rs. In Crores) |
967.00 |
912.01 |
Shortages for the settlement
0.19% |
0.09% |
% of� Delivery ( No. of shares
deliverable / No. of shares traded ) |
28.89% |
25.81% |
Retail Debt Market has completed its 2051st and 2052nd
settlements, details of which are as follows:
Settlement No. |
Traded Value |
Settlement Value |
Securities |
Funds |
D- 2011064 |
D- 2011065 |