���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������� July 06, 2015
Press Release No. 1
Mumbai Based Companies-GIR Natureview Resorts and Bhalchandram Clothing- Get
Listed on NSE�s Emerge ITP
Mumbai: Two Mumbai based companies� GIR Natureview
Resorts Limited which provides support services to hospitality industry and
Bhalchandram Clothing Limited that trades in raw cotton and cotton yarns,
nationally and internationally� have got listed on NSE�s Emerge Institutional
Trading Platform (ITP), taking the count of companies listed on the platform to
NSE�s Emerge ITP is an exclusive platform
for start-ups and growing companies to list and showcase their performance to
their lenders and potential investors, without an IPO (Initial Public Offer). Here
companies can raise funds through rights or placement issues.
NSE launched the EMERGE ITP platform in
December 2013. The criteria for listing on
ITP, without an IPO, is that the company should not have been incorporated for
more than 10 years; one year�s audited financial statement, revenues of less
than 100 crores and paid up capital of less than 25 crores. It should have
existing investors and lenders to be eligible to list on ITP. Along with the
ITP segment, the SME initiative of the exchange also includes NSE Emerge where
companies can bring out IPO (unlike Emerge ITP).
"The Institutional trading platform
helps start-ups in enhancing the visibility of the company, creating a market
for the company's shares; besides increasing public awareness and interest in
the company and its products. It also provides access to additional fund
raising, through rights or placement issues" said Mr
Ravi Varanasi, Chief - Business Development, NSE.
NSE has established a credible admission
process and also handholds interested entrepreneurs in their journey to the
capital markets. The exchange lends support to the issuer companies to reach
out to the investor community. The platform encourages the promoters to give an
audience to the investor community to instil
confidence in them and thereby build their credibility. NSE is very keen that
good quality companies should be able to raise funds on Emerge, while on the other hand it is an opportunity for
investors to invest in high growth companies, with good business models.
For more details,
Arindam Saha
Head - Corporate Communications ����������������������������������������
+91 � 022 � 2659 8164
Press Release No. 2
News about Tilaknagar Industries Limited
media had reports that �Chhabria's ABD to acquire
Tilaknagar Industries.�
Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information
reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of
the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
A copy of the clarification is available on the NSE website
(http://www.nseindia.com) under (Corporates > Corporate Information >
Press Release No. 3
News about JK Tyre & Industries Limited
media had reports that �JK Tyre frontrunner to buy Birla Tyres
from Kesoram.�
Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information
reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of
the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
Tyre & Industries Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, �There is
no transaction between JK Tyre & Industries Ltd. and Kesoram Industries
Press Release No. 4
News about Kesoram Industries Limited
media had reports that �JK Tyre frontrunner to buy Birla Tyres
from Kesoram.�
Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information
reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of
the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.
Industries Limited has vide its letter inter-alia
stated, �that we are not in negotiations with J K Tyres
to sell/dispose of Birla Tyres, our tyre business. �
Press Release No. 5
Clarification by Ginni
Filaments Limited
Significant price
movement has been observed in Ginni Filaments Limited
The Exchange, in order to
ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to
inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded,
had written to the company.
Ginni Filaments Limited has vide its
letter inter-alia stated, �that company has not issued any price sensitive information to
the public at large or any press releases which causes increase in price of
security of the company. The increase in price of security is totally market
driven and we do not have any relevant information to be shared to the stock