February 05, 2007


Press Release no.1

Security listed and admitted to dealings � AKRUTI


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. February 7, 2007. Trading shall be in the Normal Market Segment � Compulsory Demat (Rolling Settlement) for all investors.


Sr. No.


Name of the Company




Akruti Nirman Limited




Press Release no.2

Security listed and admitted to dealings � GBN


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. February 8, 2007. Trading shall be in the Normal Market Segment � Compulsory Demat (Rolling Settlement) for all investors.


Sr. No.


Name of the Company




Global Broadcast News Limited




Press Release no.3

Security listed and admitted to dealings � CTE


The equity shares of the following company shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. February 7, 2007. Trading shall be in the Normal Market Segment � Compulsory Demat (Rolling Settlement) for all investors.


Sr. No.


Name of the Company




Cambridge Technology Enterprises Limited




Press Release no.4

Market-wide Position Limit in IFCI & PARSVNATH


The derivative contracts in the underlying IFCI & PARSVNATH have crossed 95% of the market-wide position limit on February 05, 2007. It is hereby informed that all clients/ members shall trade in derivative contracts of IFCI & PARSVNATH by offsetting their existing positions till the open interest comes down to 80% of the market wide position limit.



Press Release no.5

News about UTV Software Communications Limited


The media had reports that UTV Software Communications Limited is planning to list on NASDAQ to raise about $100 million.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the officials of the company.


UTV Software Communications Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "At the outset please note that the article did not emanate from any official press release from the Company. Further, while the Company keeps evaluating various strategic options including future overseas listing, no such specific proposal has been discussed / adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. Suitable intimation will be given to stock exchanges as and when any specific proposal are discussed / adopted by the Board."



Press Release no.6

News about XL Telecom Limited


The media had reports that XL Telecom Limited is likely to bag two pilot orders worth Rs 30 crore each for supply of Solar panels from power utility company in Europe.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the officials of the company.


XL Telecom Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "At the outset the information has not emanated as Press Release from the Company. Further, the company will always be looking out for new customers and will inform the stock exchanges first before we release the information to outside people about release of orders. As already informed, we have currently couple of Pilot Orders on hand and on execution of these we have the potential to get further orders."



Press Release no.7

News about DS Kulkarni Developers Limited


The media had reports that DS Kulkarni Developers Ltd. may dilute its 16% stake in Noida subsidiary company for about Rs 300-350 cr.


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the officials of the company.


Reply is awaited from DS Kulkarni Developers Ltd.



Press Release no.8

NSE completes its 1744th Normal Settlement


The Exchange has successfully completed its 1744th Normal Settlements (Rolling T+2 following SEBI directive) since inception i.e., Settlement Number N � 2007021 on February 05, 2007. The settlement statistics are as follows:




N � 2007021

Total traded quantity (lakhs)


Total traded value (Rs. In Crores)


Total value of the settlement (Securities) (Rs. In Crores)


Total value of the settlement (Funds) (Rs. In Crores)


Shortages for the settlement


% ofDelivery ( No. of shares deliverable / No. of shares traded )



Retail Debt Market has completed its 1018th settlement details of which are as follows:


Settlement No.

Traded Value

Settlement Value





D- 2007021