

October 4, 2013


Press Release No. 1

Clarification on Nifty Futures Trades on Thursday, October 03, 2013


Certain media reports have reported that �A sizeable trade in the Nifty futures in the early part of Thursday�s �����trading, which was punched at levels way above the index levels, created a flutter on Dalal Street� and that �the order was about 800,000 units of the Nifty futures in the October series.�


In view of the inaccuracies in the media coverage, following clarification is being issued:


         On October 03, 2013, during the entire day�s business hours in the Nifty futures near month expiry 2,94,149 contracts got traded. The contract opened at 5860.00 touching a high of 5996 and a low of 5846.10, closed at 5966.80.


         On October 03, 2013 at around 10:20 am orders for quantity 77,600 (1,552 contracts) got placed which took the price of Nifty to 5996. Immediately Nifty recovered back to 5950.05.



Press Release No. 2


NSE organises conference on Exchange traded funds and CPSE ETF in Lucknow


The National Stock exchange (NSE) today organised a conference, in Lucknow, on exchange traded funds (ETF�s) and its advantages as an asset class. The conference was held in the backdrop of the government�s recent announcement, to soon launch an exchange traded fund, of prominent public sector company stocks. NSE and the government are keen to create awareness on exchange traded funds, its advantages for investors as well as on the unique qualities of the CPSE (central public sector enterprises) ETF. A similar conference was held in Mumbai, Jaipur and Kolkata recently.


The keynote address was delivered by Mr. Alok Tandon, Joint Secretary, Department of Disinvestment, Ministry of Finance and Mr. Ravi Varanasi, Chief, Business Development, NSE gave the welcome address. Sanjiv Shah, Co-CEO, Goldman Sachs, Sameer Desai, Executive Director, Goldman Sachs and Vineet Arora, Head, Products and Distribution, ICICI Securities Limited were also present on the occasion. The conference was attended by a large number of market participants.


ICICI Securities has been appointed as the advisor to assist and advise the government in launching the CPSE ETF, while Goldman Sachs Asset Management has been appointed as the asset management company, to act as provider for the proposed CPSE-ETF offering.


Joint Secretary, Mr. Alok Tandon said, �There will be attractive discounts at the time of issue as well as loyalty bonus to the retail investor, to encourage all classes of investors, especially retail investors to invest in this product.�


NSE and the government have been conducting joint sessions on ETF�s and the PSU ETF and taking feedback from market participants on different aspects of the CPSE ETF , including composition of the basket, the discount or loyalty bonuses as well as the timing of the launch.


Exchange traded funds have grown tremendously in the last few years and there has been a three-fold increase in assets under management in India, from 425 million dollars three years ago to 2.13 billion dollars.

Mr. Ravi Varanasi, Chief Business Development, NSE said, �In the last three years, ETF products have tripled their AUM�s in equity and debt based ETF�s. We look at building CPSE ETF in the same way, and with the same amount of commitment inincreasing awareness and ultimately bringing the retail investor in this product class.��


The CPSE-ETF will consist of listed CPSE stocks, which have had a strong performance. It will be a low cost, low risk and well diversified equity product, which will encourage retail investors to come and invest in equity based product, with very low risk and at a very low cost. It will give them an opportunity to buy a low cost product that represents a combination of various blue chip public sector companies across sectors, thereby providing healthy diversification while minimizing concentration risks.


In the last budget, STT (securities transaction tax) for trading in exchange traded funds was reduced substantially, to bring more retail investors to participate.


Internationally, the ETF market is as large as 2000 billion dollars and since the 2008 Lehman crisis, is one of the best asset classes to perform. With more awareness on the unique benefits of ETF�s, the Indian market for the asset class can also grow manifold.


An investor can buy or sell ETF�s on a transparent exchange platform, at any point of time in the market hours, unlike an active mutual fund. ETF�s are cost effective and the STT (securities transaction tax) and managing fees are low. Nifty ETF for instance is a product in which investors can invest in small amounts and diversify their risk to build a mini portfolio, instead of buying individual stocks.


An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is an investment fund that is traded on a stock exchange, just like stocks. An ETF holds assets such as stocks, commodities or bonds and trades around its net asset value (NAV) over the course of the trading day. Most ETFs track an index, such as a stock index or bond index. ETFs are an attractive investment, because of their low costs, tax efficiency and stock-like features.


On NSE, ETF�s are available on the CNX Nifty index, on the PSU bank index, CNX 100, Junior Nifty and Bank Nifty, gold as well as international indices like NASDAQ 100 and Hang Seng index.



Press Release No. 3

Corporates with highest number of complaints pending


Given below are names of corporates, whose securities are suspended / withdrawn from trading on NSE within the last year, with highest number of complaints pending against them for a period of more than 2 months as on September 30, 2013.


Sr. No.

Name of the Corporate

Number of complaints pending


Ankur Drugs And Pharma Limited



Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited



Dhanus Technologies Limited



IOL Netcom Limited




Press Release No. 4

The trading in equity shares of Peacock Industries Limited shall be recommenced on the Exchange pursuant to Scheme of Arrangement for Capital Reduction (BIFR) w.e.f. October 07, 2013


Sr. No.



Name of the Company





Peacock Industries Limited



*Currently the securities shall be available for trading in Series 'BE' and subsequently be shifted to Series 'EQ' as per SEBI circular no. SEBI/Cir/ISD/1/2010 dated September 2, 2010.





Press Release No. 5

The following Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures of India Infoline Finance Limited shall be listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange w.e.f. October 08, 2013. Trading shall be in the Normal market segment (Rolling Settlement) for all investors


Sr. No.


Issue description







Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures - Option-I: 12% Per Annum





Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures - Option-II: 12% Per Annum





Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures - Option-III: 12% Per Annum





Secured Redeemable Non-Convertible Debentures - Option-IV: 12% Per Annum





Press Release No. 6

Clarification by Jai Corp Limited

Substantial increase in trading volumes have been observed in Jai Corp Limited. The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company. Jai Corp Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "We have no information as to the reason for the increase in volume of trading of the Company's shares on your Exchange in the recent past. We also have no information/announcement to make with respect to the Company's operation/performance which may have a bearing on the price/volume behaviour of the Company's shares."