

June 04, 2014


Press Release No. 1

News about Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited


The media had reports that, �The company is in advanced talks to acquire a gas plant in Middle East.�


The Exchange, in order to verify the accuracy or otherwise of the information reported in the media and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, �There is no plan by the company to acquire any gas plant in Middle East or any other place. The captioned item is incorrect. The company is looking at possibilities of Joint Ventures abroad for making fertilizers with cheaper gas available. The talks are at very preliminary stage and no concrete understanding has been reached."



Press Release No. 2

Clarification by Tata Sponge Iron Limited


Substantial increase in trading volumes have been observed in Tata Sponge Iron Limited.


The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Tata Sponge Iron Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, �In our opinion, we do not have any other 'price sensitive Information', which has not been placed in the public domain."



Press Release No. 3

Clarification by Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited


Substantial increase in trading volumes have been observed in Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited.

The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, �We confirm that there are no material developments and plans other than those already communicated to the exchanges in line with the listing agreement. The company is unaware of the reason behind this price and volume increase."



Press Release No. 4

Clarification by Visagar Polytex Limited


Significant price and volume movement has been observed in Visagar Polytex Limited.


The Exchange, in order to ensure that investors have latest relevant information about the company and to inform the market place so that the interest of the investors is safeguarded, had written to the company.


Visagar Polytex Limited has vide its letter inter-alia stated, "We hereby confirm that we have no pending announcement / events / information, price sensitive information which may have an effect on price/ volume of our shares traded on your exchange."



Press Release No. 5

Market-wide Position Limit in DISHTV


The derivative contracts in the underlying DISHTV have crossed 95% of the market-wide position limit on June 04, 2014. It is hereby informed that all clients/ members shall trade in derivative contracts of DISHTV by offsetting their existing positions till the open interest comes down to 80% of the market wide position limit.