December 02, 2013
Press Release No. 1
of trading in the securities of Amar Remedies Limited, Aqua Logistics Limited,
Asian Electronics Limited, Birla Power Solutions Limited, Edserv Softsystems
Limited, First Leasing Company of India Limited, Geodsic Limited, KDL Biotech
Limited, Kitply Industries Limited and KLG Systel Limited .
Suspension of trading in
the securities of the following Companies:
The equity shares
of� following companies will be suspended
from trading w.e.f. December 10, 2013 (i.e. closing hours of trading on
December 09, 2013)� until further notice
on the Capital Market Segment of the National Stock Exchange of India Limited
for non- compliance with certain provisions of the Listing Agreement.
���� Amar
Remedies Limited
���� Aqua
Logistics Limited
���� Asian
Electronics Limited
���� Birla
Power Solutions Limited
���� Edserv
Softsystems Limited
���� First
Leasing Company of India Limited
���� Geodesic
���� KDL
Biotech Limited
���� Kitply
Industries Limited
���� KLG
Systel Limited
Notices were sent to
the above companies seeking reasons for non- compliance with certain provisions
of the listing agreement. The companies have failed to respond satisfactorily
to the said notices of the Exchange. In view of this, the Exchange has decided
to suspend trading in the equity shares of the aforesaid companies w.e.f.
December 10, 2013 (i.e. closing hours of trading on December 09, 2013) till
further notice.