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Circular No. 584
���������������������������������������� March
28, 2007
Dear Members�
Sub: SEBI Turnover Fees
This is further to our circulars nos. 548 (download ref. no. NSE/MEM/7964) dated October 04, 2006, 564 (download ref no.NSE/MEM/8305) dated December 29, 2006 and Circular no. 574 (download ref. no. NSE/MEM/8465) dated February 01, 2007 pertaining to payment of SEBI fees by members.
The process of collection of SEBI Turnover Fee would be as under:-
1. Turnover as on Month End for all the segments viz. Capital Market, Wholesale Debt Market and Futures & Options as applicable to the members will be calculated on 1st Working day of the next month.
2. Turnover Fees for all the segments viz. Capital Market, Wholesale Debt Market and Futures & Options as applicable to the members based on the turnover will be calculated and intimated to the members through FTP on the 1st Working Day of the next month.
3. Fees will be collected by debiting Exchange Dues Account of the members (all the members need to ensure that they maintain an active Exchange Dues Account with Exchange) from 1st working day till the 4th working day of the month.
4. All the members need to ensure that they have sufficient amount for remittance of SEBI Turnover Fee till the 4th Working day.
For any clarification in this regard, you may contact Mr. Manish Chaturvedi / Mr. S. Rajagopalan on 26598246/ 26598249 or through Board Lines 26598100 you can contact the Extensions 4024/ 4123.
For National Stock Exchange of
Rehana D�Souza