Circular No. 484


Ref : NSE/MEM/6372������������������������������������������������������������������������ July 13, 2005��


All Trading Members,


Sub: Multiple Membership of the Exchange


This is in replacement to our circular no. 171, download reference no: 1736 dated June 28, 2000. The current policy regarding multiple membership of the Exchange has been revised.


It has now been decided that Multiple Membership of the Exchange will be permitted with the following conditions:


  • The applicant shall be required to identify the Existing trading member with whom they are associated at the time of making an application.


  • For the purpose of taking any disciplinary actions etc., the associated entities shall be considered as one single unit. Therefore all the associated entities would attract similar action by the Exchange.


  • For ensuring financial linkage between the associated entities, the new applicant should be a subsidiary or the holding company of the existing trading member Company, with at least 51% shareholding.


In order to take benefit of the scheme the following requirements need to be complied with by the applicant company and the holding company:


  1. In the application for new membership, the applicant shall identify the holding company or subsidiary company, which is a member of the Exchange.
  2. Board resolution from the existing trading member corporate for applying for new membership in the name of the holding / subsidiary company.
  3. Details of shareholding pattern of the applicant company. The existing trading member should be the dominant promoter directly holding at least 51% of the shareholding of the company or the applicant company should be directly holding at least 51% of the shareholding in the existing trading member company and required to be identified as dominant promoter.
  4. In case of transfer of membership of holding company, both the companies will be required to comply with the transfer provisions.
  5. Majority of the directors should be appointed by the holding company. The same should be incorporated in the articles of association of the subsidiary company.
  6. Undertaking from the existing as well as the applicant subsidiary company that they may be considered as a single unit for taking any disciplinary action by the Exchange.
  7. In case of default or failure of subsidiary company to meet the dues/obligations towards NSEIL / NSCCL and / or investor grievances & arbitration awards,the holding company shall also liable to honour the obligations of the subsidiary company and such dues / obligations may be adjusted by appropriation ofsecurity deposits, other monies and any additional deposits paid, whether in the form of cash, bank guarantee, securities or otherwise of the holding company lying with the Exchangefrom time to time.
  8. Similarly, in case of default or failure of holding company to meet the dues/obligations towards NSEIL / NSCCL and / or investor grievances & arbitration awards,the subsidiary company shall also be liable to honour the obligations of the holding company and such dues / obligations may be adjusted by appropriation ofsecurity deposits, other monies and any additional deposits paid, whether in the form of cash, bank guarantee, securities or otherwise, of the subsidiary company lying with the Exchange from time to time.


The new applicant company shall be required to take up the combined membership of Capital Market Segment and Futures Sub-segment of Futures and Options Segment as in the case of new applicants. The application form for the same can be obtained from the Membership department.


The Exchange shall continue the present policy of not permitting multiple memberships by the same set of dominant promoters or entities, which do not conform to the above guidelines.


The members are requested to be guided by the above policy.


For National Stock Exchange of India Limited.




Sanjiv Nagar

