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Circular No. 634


Ref. NSE/MEM/10846��������� ��������� ����������������������������������������������� June 17, 2008


Dear Members

Sub: Processing charges for Sub-broker registration application and Status Report request

Trading Members are requested to note that a processing fee of Rs. 2,000/- plus Service Tax @ 12.36% amounting to Rs. 2,247/- (rounded off to nearest rupee) per Sub-broker registration application would be levied on all applications received through ENIT on or after July 1, 2008. Further, Trading Members are also requested to note that a processing fee of Rs.1,000/- per Status Report request would be levied on all requests received on or after July 1, 2008.


The above mentioned processing fees would be debited to the Member�s Exchange Dues Account on receipt of Sub-broker registration application and Status Report request respectively.


All members are requested to take note of the above.


For National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.


Rehana D�souza

